Mackensie Murphy Interview Blog Post

               Mackensie Murphy, renowned groomer and GroomTeam USA member, was recently named to the prestigious GroomTeam travel team. When she stopped by the PetEdge office for a photo shot, I interviewed her about GroomTeam, her celebrity groomer mother, and her professional grooming career.

Flea & Tick Defense Blog Post

               Fleas and ticks pose a very real threat to pets and pet owners alike. This blog post was written to give pet care professionals some insight as to which flea and tick control products may work best for them and their customers.

Boston Bloghead Show Review

               Music has always played an important role in my life. I grew up in a very musical household, and from an early age, I always heard music of one genre or another being played in my house. As I grew older, I started learning to play instruments. I joined my first band in high school, and ever since, I’ve had an intense love affair with rock ‘n’ roll—one which continues today.

               Whether I’m playing or simply there to watch, I go to a lot of shows. Boston has a tight-knit music scene, and members of various bands throughout the greater Boston area often go to see their friends play in a show of camaraderie and support. A few years ago, I started writing reviews of many of the shows I attend. Part of me sees this as a way to be even more involved in the music community, but another part of me is just excited for the opportunity to combine my two favorite things—writing and music.

               I wrote this review and posted it on Boston Bloghead, a local community-based music website dedicated to promoting the vibrant rock 'n' roll scene in Boston.